Anki Remote Add-on

Learn about the features of the Anki Remote Addon

Disclaimer: This is curated mostly towards medical students. However, maybe you will find something cool :)

Disclaimer 2: If you haven't downloaded the add-on yet, get it from AnkiWeb or use the code: 693153301

Explore Your Options

So everyone is pretty familiar with the common with typical features like:

  • Again
  • Hard
  • Spacebar/Good
  • Easy
  • Sync
  • Page Up
  • Page Down
  • Suspend
  • Undo (most popular)
  • Decks
  • Browse
  • Edit Card
  • Add Card
  • Etc.

So, we wanted to introduce you to hidden gems:

Reveal Hint

Availability: All devices

Button: Move the Joystick to the right

Function: It will show you any closed notes like First Aid, Sketchy, Additional Resources, etc

Benefit: This feature with the scrolling up and down is a game changer.

Reveal Next Cloze (AnKing Specific)

Availability: Mac and Windows

Button: Customizable with Add-on

Function: It will serve as "Reveal Next" on AnKing questions.

Benefit: On AnKing deck questions with many cloze answers, no need for you to use your keyboard.